Grieve But Become Stronger

A lot of people are losing loved ones. Some see it coming. Some are shocked by it. On which end of the spectrum you are in will determine how hard you are hit. If you see it coming, you brace for the impact. If you are blindsided then expect a torturous emotional roller coaster.

Irrespective of how you deal with loss, you must realize that grieving is part of the process. There is no way to sidestep the flood of memories and emotions which you will encounter. Your mind will throw up the love, laughter and happiness you have shared with someone you have lost. The negatives will be overshadowed by the positives. You will only be thinking of the good. You will break down. You will cry. You will look and feel miserable. And then you will sleep and wake up and life will go on. And with everyday that passes, the new reality will set in. The exception will become the norm. You will adapt. Life will go on.

As you come out of the grieving process, you have two choices – come out stronger or weaker. The weak person will feel like a victim. He will blame the world and the circumstances which put him there. The strong person will ask himself what he learnt. He will see himself as a survivor and be better for it.

The storm is coming. Brace for it. Choose to be a survivor; you have it in you to be one.