Do You Have Courage?

independent thinking

On the most basic level, courage is just about taking action. That can be something as simple as walking up to your boss to ask for leave, initiating a talk about better terms on a deal, or making a spinner bowl the first over of a cricket match. Anything you do out of the ordinary requires courage because it gets attention, sometimes good, often bad. The world wants you to conform. It wants you to be vanilla. Do you have the courage to think independently?

There are these unwritten rules which guide our action subconsciously. And the fear of rejection or failure is so high that you often get in line, marching to the band of this is how it’s suppose to be. Why don’t you try to march to the band of fuck everyone, I will do what I think is right? Have you ever tried that? There will be resistance every time you try something new and surprise surprise, you will fall flat on your face as you venture out. But guess what? You will learn, progress and succeed more when you fall than if you were following the life map already created for you by someone else. I have blown up so much of my money trying so many different things from real estate (Casa Nostra) to dog food (Pet Chef) to powerlifting (The Iron Sport) to wedding videos (The Knot Crew). I have 0 regrets about any of them. They taught me lessons that reading books and having a job could not. At some point you have to get on the bike and peddle yourself.

You will also face resistance from those closest to you because they want you to be risk averse. Your parents will tell you not to invest. Your partner will tell you what a bad idea it is to spend thousands of dollars on branding. Your friends will think you are crazy. You will be pulled in all directions with conflicting viewpoints. That is when you need to have the courage to think independently. You can take everyones inputs but the final output has to yours because remember if you fail, it’s all your fault, and if you succeed, it’s all because you had courage to start and Vires Acquirit Eundo (gather strength as you go).

“You can’t reach success in investment (or life), if you do not think independently.” ~ Warren Buffet

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